Introduce Yourself : Searching for the ultimate story by Alan John Denman

Alan John Denman

Searching for the ultimate story

Hi, I'm Alan Denman, writer/director/script coach, and I'm passionate about film and story. I've had this crazy notion, an alchemical dream, that somehow it must be possible to create the ultimate story that will appeal to both genders and all races throughout the world - the kind of jaw-dropping, utterly profound, moving, all-embracing story that answers our biggest questions about life. I know this runs counter to how the film industry generally works with its genres and audience demographics and cultural references, but does anyone else have this thought?

Valerie Michele Oliver

I support your dream, Alan. It great to meet an Intender for the Highest Good. Happy Days!

Ron Barenburg

ala Joseph Campbell..:-) keep up the search best regards, Ron

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