Hello all…Names Jason, been making short films for the past 5 years pretty steady and just finished my 1st feature on Friday (trailer goes up Tomorrow) It is titled: The Day I Don't Remember…a Dramedy about an Hollywood Blog writer who turns into a screenplay writer…old story, but I told it in a unique way. My feature length script writing began about 13 years ago and 10 scripts later, finally getting some people looking my way :) Very excited to be in Development of my 2nd feature titled, The Ice Cream Man, a Psychological Thriller that I'm looking for Producing help with if you're interested…send me a note…log line can be found on my page as well…. and back to writing for me…THANKS!
Congrats on finishing a feature!
Congrats on first feature. Hope it finds a big audience
Hi Jason. I'm Stephanie Skinner, actress and Voice Over artist. Congrats on the writing success.
Congratulations, Jason.
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Thanks for the comments everyone…here is the link to my 1st trailer if you care to watch….(we made with only 5k) https://vimeo.com/95775994