Screenwriting : Script Labs: readings by professional actors by Frances Macaulay Forde

Frances Macaulay Forde

Script Labs: readings by professional actors

How many writers have offered their scripts for film or theatre to a group of actors to read in public? In Perth, we have the wonderful facilities of the Perth Actors Collective run by an actor and well-known casting agent, Annie Murtagh-Monks who regularly hold very successful PAC Script Labs. These readings of new scripts attract directors, producers and investment. So those who have offered their scripts; what was the experience like and how helpful was it?

Frances Macaulay Forde

Thanks for your reply Alle. I know the script required to be read in the workshops will be very different to the shooting script but yes, having the words read aloud trims the dialogue and hearing the story from different voices also scatters it, if it isn't strong enough. So IMHO the whole exercise can only strengthen your writing . I'd love to know if many of you take advantage of script readings?

Frances Macaulay Forde

No, not particularly dialogue because, as you say, it needs to be well-developed to get to a reading so those minor issues should already be resolved. Although when you hear it in context of the whole read, sometimes dialogue reveals itself as repetitive or superfluous. What I do think tends to happen is much more action/narration needs to be read aloud to situate the characters for the Read audience - because the shooting script would be a visual blueprint. Once it's been read the action can be trimmed but always, the characters need to work well within a whole story that also works in the reading.

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