Screenwriting : How To Write A Screenplay Agents Will Love by Päivi Holländer

Päivi Holländer

How To Write A Screenplay Agents Will Love

CJ Walley

So basically, if a script can pretty much sell itself, an agent can just about find it in them to graciously step in and take 10%.

Päivi Holländer

:) Basically yes. Although the comforting part is that it's for the first script, I guess with the second one has more leeway... Harsh. I'm just reading an article of this bitter working screenwriter who claims that due to the system Hollywood is a void of talent, and what there is, is basically trampled and by the process... Not a happy tale I tell you.

CJ Walley

Yikes. Indeed it is harsh, but I guess that's how it is when there's a massive oversupply and dwindling demand.

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