Introduce Yourself : Hello! :) by Yasuhiro Nakashima

Yasuhiro Nakashima

Hello! :)

Hi. I'm a composer for film living in Japan. I composed for German TVC, Google Japan's PV, Aston Matin's PV....and more. but I didn't make music for Cinema!! of course, I do love film score! do you know music production specialized film score? and Please listen to my works!

Antonio Ingram

Very neat sounding music yasuhiro and I am a big fan of your Japanese culture. I wish you the best of luck with your music composing.

Juan Cornelius

Hi, my name is Juan Cornelius, a script writer from The Bahamas, working on a project now...I'll let u guys know how it turn out in a few weeks.

Yasuhiro Nakashima

thank you so much. i'm waiting. ;)

Adrienne Sheree


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