Screenwriting : SYNOPSIS vs "THEE" LOGLINE by Kalisa Moore

Kalisa Moore


Sooo...I've been working on my logline for a few good days now and I must has not been "a piece of cake" and a big "SHOUTOUT" to those of you who care!...However, there is no stopping me now, for the "rage of fire has tainted my blood!" Question? Do you really need the Logline if you already have the Synopsis and...Do you really need the Synopsis if you already have the Logline?

Kerry Douglas Dye

You definitely need a logline. You may or may not be asked for a synopsis.

Danny Manus

Yes, you definitely need both.

Antonio Ingram

True Kerry, there was three literacy agencies that I submitted to that requested my script just off hearing the logline. There was one that requested more like a treatment. It would benefit you to be a step ahead and have a logline, synopsis, and treatment Kalisa. At least you would be prepared. best of luck to you with your progress.

Kalisa Moore

Thank you all for the useful feedback!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

You definitely need both Kalisa. The synopsis should probably be 1-2 pages max. Check out Joey Tuccio's guide for written pitches.

Kalisa Moore

Hello Ms. Overnight Sensation Logline Queen =) and thanks for your response!….Well I do have about four decent Synopsis on hand Sylvia (don't judge me ha!)..but "that" Logline, is the most frustrating piece of work I have ever had to work on! …I put out another Logline last night and its not working due to the fact…it's changing the whole concept of my story and how I want it to connect to my audience…so…back to the basics Sylvie…however, it's a wonderful experience and the more I have to write to improve my Logline..the better it's gets…there are also five wonderful stage 32 network players who have been giving me some awesome feedback and definitely lay it on the line!" Keep in touch Sylvia and again thank you for your feedback and good luck on your story :)

Chanel Ashley

All good advice, Kalisa, please heed.

Adam Strange

The log line is the pitch for your story. Generally the people that you really want to read your script will ask for a log line first. If they like that they will look at the script. I always start with a log line though it usually improves as the script improves.

Kalisa Moore

Kudos Alle!!

Beulah Jones

You have read my revised logline. Do you want to read the first five pages? I need a producer and financing!

Chanel Ashley

I have no problem with the tagline, logline and synopsis, but loathe a treatment - yes, the script consultants/doctors here will extol the virtues of a treatment, but I say that's bulls..t - if the other three avenues cannot elicit someone to read your script, you have problems - a treatment reveals too much, there is no surprise, it's like knowing the ending to a book/film - personally, I think it is a lazy reader that would require a treatment - read the bloody thing first, then, perhaps a treatment if he/she struggled to grasp the story, in which case, they're in the wrong business.

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