Hey everyone! I just joined up after lurking and being skeptical for a while, as is my typical M.O. I'm a writer and although I'm perfectly happy composing film scripts, I think my heart belongs to TV. Sci-fi, more specifically. I was raised on Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica (the originals, peeps!), so you can't blame me. Anyway, the Big Goal is to be a showrunner for my own stuff, but in the meantime, I'm hoping to get in the writer's room ASAP. Any help is immensely appreciated. I've been a story analyst and editor for longer than I care to admit, so I'm happy to brainstorm with anyone out there who needs another half a brain for inspiration. :-)
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Marni - so thrilled to have a fellow sci-fi lover on here :) You'll find our writing community to be incredibly supportive and encouraging. We look forward to seeing you in the Screenwriting lounge so you can meet and greet and interact with all our writers here. Also, make sure you take some time poking around The Happy Writers, too! https://www.stage32.com/happy-writers We work a lot with all the studios, agencies and management companies out here in LA and they love discovering our writers :) Also, you may want to network with George Pappy - he's doing a cool sci fi documentary called Green Girl on Susan Oliver that I think you'd like.
Hi Julie! I plan on getting to know this place very well, thank you. :-) As it happens, I'm looking for a manager. I've been advised by a few TV people that managers are more valuable right now than agents. I'll look into George Pappy, too. I worked for a news camera operator years ago who I helped start a documentary company. What a great thing to combine that and sci-fi!!! Thanks for the advice! :-D
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Hi Marni, welcome! Guess what I grew up on hard sci fi as well. Marvel/ DC Comics/ Star Trek was the way to go! Love it, love it, love it!!! Glad to meet another 'sister in crime'!! Keep at it!!
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Welcome Aboard Marni... It can only get better from here....
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Marni! May the force be with you!
Sadly, no. :)