Hi all, I hope you're doing well. I currently reside, train, and work in Austin, TX. I am always open to new experiences and new places, of course. As an actor, one has to be. I'm originally from NorCal (Santa Cruz mostly), and I've spent time in Portland, OR as well, among other places. I started out doing background gigs, the highlight of which was Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For, releasing on August 22nd. I'm looking forward to that, and it was a pleasure to be on set, even in a small way. I've also been in other Features and Network TV shows in a similar capacity. I've been in a couple of short films, played a lead character who was an ex-priest turned paranormal investigator (one of my rare non-villain roles), and a hitman more recently in a short as well. I've been a serial killer as well, in an indie grindhouse thriller called Six Pack Sam, still being shot in Austin. I've made some progress in the field of voice acting as well, played a lead and a couple of supporting roles in a PC game called Warlock 2: The Exiled, distributed by Paradox Interactive. Fun stuff, I look forward to doing more. I'm currently considering my options as far as representation goes, it seems tough to get meaningful non-background gigs without that, and I feel like I've missed out on some opportunities. I prefer not to sit on the sidelines these days, I'm always striving to move forward, learn new things, and grow as an actor and a human being. I'm currently working on improving my fitness levels and my acting skills, been studying with some excellent coaches. Currently I'm studying with Tony Sears at State School of Acting, and I've just registered for Carol Hickey's classes at her studio, due to start soon. I also took a workshop recently with Stephen Bridgewater when he was in town.Always moving forward. Thanks for listening, and good luck to all.
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I love your story Benjamin -- get off those sidelines and get in on the action, that's a great attitude. I think you'll find inspiration from Gary Craig's blog about being an extra and then advancing to better roles (his way was pretty ballsy and in front of Larry David), but you should network with him. He's a great guy: http://www.stage32.com/blog/Sht-Or-Get-Off-The-Pot
Thanks, I know Gary. He was kind enough to add me to his network a while ago. I definitely have a good deal of respect for him and for his work.
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That's great! I wish you nothing but success...I'm hoping we get to see you in a big feature next year :)
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Hey Benjamin, awesome man, keep it up and yeah, love the attitude
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Welcome Benjamin.
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Thanks all, much appreciated. And I guess technically you'll be seeing me in a big feature this year, just not as a principal character, ha. Watch out for me in the Kady's club scenes in Sin City 2 on August 22nd, some friends and I are in there. ;)
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Always great to see you, Benjamin. Keep that train rolling, my friend.
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Thanks Richard! Feels like good things are coming, just gotta keep on keeping on, laying the groundwork for new opportunities, etc.
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That's it, man. Perpetual motion, seizing every opportunity and then creating more.
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Hello and welcome to all the newcomers! Thanks again to RB for providing this amazing opportunity. I'm a writer/scientist in Iowa City, where I am generally tolerated. Currently showing a multimedia extravaganza about my R&D project on 'artificial sentience' or machine consciousness. Once the province of the lunatic fringe -- or, as I like to say, my personal comfort zone -- this venture has recently come of age, thanks to an article in 'Nature' on "The dawn of quantum biology." Here's a link to the presentation; takes a few moments to load. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/1fGqGeV