Introduce Yourself : Hello my names is Stephane Champagne a young artist and inspiration for other people! by Stephane Champagne

Hello my names is Stephane Champagne a young artist and inspiration for other people!

Hi I from French Canada and now live in Sydney, Australia and I have 30 year old. I have experience doing extra and I want doing more extra, modelling, voice over and want to start my carriers to do acting, commercial, motivation specking. I would love to work Worldwide and looking for more opportunity and work. Hope to work with you one day and if you have contact or opportunity or connect with my please let my know. Thanks

Jose Antonio

Hey Stephane, keep at it, if it's something you really want then keep at it. Even if you need to take a break, as I did, stay creative, keep reading the trades, taking classes whatever moves you and keeps you moving forward.

Duncan Whitcombe

Welcome Stephane. I am in Perth. There are a lot of Australians here so I hope you make the connections you need.

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