I am screenwriter who has written numerous screenplays. I have won contests, had script requests, but still waiting for the day to sell my first script. What are some of the challenges have you faced? I am also looking for the positive, so let's stay classy.
Hello John, in the past I was so concern with selling it rather than taking the time to make it the best I can possibly make it. I've had two of my scripts requested but they were not ready. But I have learned from that and approach my writing different and more focused. Thank you for sharing John. best of luck to you.
It's hard to know when a script is ready. What techniques have you found? For me, the best approaches are trusted readers and putting it aside for a long time, but I'm impatient.
Concept, query, TOTE technique, believe in your work...and if you don't REWRITE. Have you written your best? Are the characters alive and jumping off the page? REWRITE if you have doubt. But don't give up...go on to the next and maybe go back to it later....just keep writing. jj
Thanks everyone for the comments.
Thanks Alle for the straight talk.