Hello, everyone. I know that I have been on this site for about 2 month, but I haven't told you who I am. My name is Kim, I originally come from Washington state. I was recently in the Army for 3 years. I got out in 2011. I moved to Los Angeles, Ca. to pursue (which is in most people's dreams), to be in movies, t.v. or anything in the Entertainment business.... Even though I am an Artist as well, drawing, painting, sculpting, I feel that I can help in this business in some way if someone gives me a chance. Thank you
Nice to meet you, Kim.
nice to meet you as well.
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most peoples dreams are for the wrong reasons not saying you this is something that is in your blood a Artist walks a different path a Out Cast to most by far WE DO IT BECAUSE ITS WHO WE ARE AND BORN TO DO OTHERS IT5S ATTENTION FAME AND GLORY
Hi Kim continue to follow your dreams.