Well, that's not exactly true, but I hope it got your attention. Hi, my name is Gary O'Toole and I am the CEO and owner of Red Rock Pictures, an independent production house based in Melbourne, Australia. I am a writer/Producer/Actor and Author. I currently have several projects in various stages of development. Feel free to say hi, or visit my website: www.redrockpicturesoz.com to learn a little more about me and my company. Always happy to be considered for writing gigs, IF your project excites me, so even though there is NO free cocaine (Or hookers) come connect and say hi. I'd love to hear from fellow professionals.
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well we plan to shoot episodes of ZombieMarshals.com many places and it will local people doing this. I am just a novice at this, but I have a Hell of an idea.
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Now that's a way to get someone's attention! NICE HOOK....as they say. Best to you. It put a smile on my face today.... a little lol too. Good job! best to you. jj
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yes it sure is catchy Tommy
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Hi Gary, would you happen to be related to Peter O'Toole?
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I am indeed related to Peter O'Toole. Peter O'Toole is my brother, he's just not THAT Peter O'Toole :(
Too Funny Gary
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Too funny and quite catchy as Tommy said.