Hey you uber creative people, I'm a screenwriter/actor with several optioned scripts notched into my Colt 45 and just finished two seasons playing Lugo on Spartacus: Vengeance and War of the Damned. Currently working on the screenplay The Viking Wars for Aristos films and pitching my spec scripts. Always looking for the next step forward.
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Keep smiling and carrying the Colt...sounds like you're doing great. Kudos. jj
Thanks Jamie, just an Aussie on a journey.
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Like the name... DreamChaser Productions....
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I followed Spartacus. It was fantastic! I'm a novelist now learning the art of screenwriting. Adapting my books into a spec script is a daunting task!
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Howdy, Sheriff! I'll definitely be having a read of Deadman's Land! Sounds great. Spike
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Careful. Every movie I've seen, someone's gunning for the new sheriff. :) Welcome.
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No challenge; no fun :-)
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Alas, poor Lugo!
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Yep....Poor Lugo.
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Alle, Vikings are really in right now. I guess we can thank The History Channel for that? Lots of publishers are looking for Viking stories as well. Wish I had some.