Introduce Yourself : Producer/actress about to launch first feature by Katarina Gellin

Katarina Gellin

Producer/actress about to launch first feature

Hi guys, what a great community! I'm Kat, Norwegian-Brit based in London. Just made our first feature film, My Hero, now in the last stages of edit. Arclight Films are selling it internationally, haven't dediced a British distributor though. In these exceedingly hard times in terms of succeeding in the arts, making your own project is key, and finding the right collaborators is everything. Check out Redeeming Features productions, get in touch, maybe our connection will be what gets things made! :)

Des Nnochiri

Hi, Katarina. Best of fortune (money, too...), with the film!

Nassim Abassi

Great! Where is the trailer? :-)

Richard "RB" Botto

I agree with Nassim. Get that trailer posted!

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