Screenwriting : Job posting by TJ Jones

TJ Jones

Job posting


William Martell

I can play short stop... or fullback... or... what is the sport?

Cherie Grant

a team of what?

Carlos Pena

Literally just LMAO @ Wiliam's comment!

Dillon Mcpheresome

Like the A list team? Count me in sucka. No really count me in.

Tommy Bull

TJ Question, you mentioned getting the - A-Team together. I tried looking you up to see the type of Films etc. you do. Nothing at all on you on IMDB so I'm. Asking when you say A Team how do you plan on getting them? No Film Credits isn't a good thing unless you plan on investing and Hiring Professionals. So I am just asking what's you plan? Tommy

William Martell

He doesn't even know what sport he's playing!

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