Introduce Yourself : Daniela Heinisch by Daniela Heinisch

Daniela Heinisch

Hi everyone, Im new on stage 32. Im an actress who recently moved from London, UK to Los Angeles, CA. Please feel free to have a look at my profile on I`m looking forward to joining the community! Have a wonderful day!

Daniela Heinisch

Need to touch up my show reel. Can anyone help or recommend a good company in Los Angeles?

Amanda Toney

Welcome to Stage 32 and LA Daniela! There are a lot of LA Stage 32 meet ups coming up this month and next- you should definitely come to some of them. It would be a great way to meet more people based here in LA. Regarding touching up your reel, make sure to post in the acting lounge- there are a lot of people there that can help you. :)

Daniela Heinisch

Thank you! I'm always looking forward to making new connections and hope to see many of you at one of these meet ups!

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