Hey S32 Family, I'm an actor/ writer currently living in Los Angeles and collaborating/writing a magic realist film with a Canadian director. It's set in the present and deals with the themes of family, personal loss and courage. We're set to shoot it in August and will keep you updated on it's development. All the best! Malik McCall
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Good Luck! I look forward to the updates.
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Love magical realism!
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What is a magic realist film? Can you give me an example of the genre?
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Not sure if this question is meant for me or the OP, but "Bull Durham" is a classic example; more recently "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "Beasts of the Southern Wild."
OK. So its basically treating magic or something else that is beyond the pale (vampires, zombies, et. al) as though it were real?
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is supposed to be an author who practiced magical realism--he hadn't appreciated the designation, though (died earlier this year).