Band of One aka Doug Wilson Animation is an independent animation and comics artist who has worked on various Feature Film and TV productions in the UK and abroad for clients such as BBC/CBeebies, France 3, and Billi Productions. His personal work is available through his site and the links below. Previous work includes the Bloodwhat comic book, the K-9Lives animation web-series, and the Picayune semi auto-bio comic. Currently working on Jack Astro which you can see in development on his blog and on YouTube. For freelance work enquiries please contact dougwilson83(at)hotmail(dot)com
"An eye for an eye."
I for an I; I, I,I!!!
'I of the beholder'??? Nawwwwww...
No. The Eyes of Texas!
Guys I am totally stealing those puns for titling a future short :)
Fame at last! 'Is That Your' Breathing Apparatus Or Are You Just Glad To See Me...'
Now, Doug, certainly you realize that copyright attaches upon first publication and that posting on Stage 32 undoubtedly constitutes publication. Do you really want to steal material rather than create your own or pay for the creative work of others?
I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were Hammurabi the King of Babylon, 1792-1750BC. You must be aging well :)
Copyright is a bit problematic. I think Hammurabi originally got nailed over the murder prohibitions when Moses claimed he was violating copyright on the Fifteen Commandments (see Mel Brooks' HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART ONE for what happened to the missing five)...
...but I guess the precedents are all a bit skewed anyway. Feel free in my case!
If I were you, I wouldn't take copyright infringement so flippantly. Both severe civil and criminal penalties can be imposed. Not to mention your professional reputation.
I don't think Mel Brooks counts as a legal precedent.
That's what God said after he asked Mel/Moses what happened to the missing five. One of which was, apparently, 'THOU SHALT NOT INVADE THE LEBANON OR GAZA OR PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY'...
...that's what I heard anyways...
That's another issue altogether, and one on which I agree. What has happened in Gaza is an extreme war crime. Adolf Netanyahu has taken his nation from one which had an extremely horrible history of abuse to one dishing out something tantamount to genocide. And all it would take to stop the madness is for the US government to demonstrate some decency and shut off all foreign aid to Israel until such time as they decided to treat the Palestinians as humans.