Introduce Yourself : I'm old but I never used this site until now. by Clayton Frazier

Clayton Frazier

I'm old but I never used this site until now.

I'm Clayton and I've been on here since the beginning, but I never used this site before. I was in a local film group and I didn't give this site any attention. I tried to create indie film as in faith based and horror, but I could never find like minded people to help. Recently I've walked away and just doing YouTube stuff. This is better and I enjoy it more. But I feel like I'm starting over alone. The film people I knew, don't seem very interested in what I do anymore. Yet, I see many successful YouTube people. And due to YouTube I'm seeing things differently, like my state of South Carolina. I do Adventures once a month and I want to do more. I would like to travel SC doing videos of the special places. For now, I keep local. I've only been doing this for a month. I like film and can't stop. This is why I'm still doing it. I still write on the side, but it is fiction. I'm working on an idea for a novella, or two.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Clayton. Glad you decided to post and become active. "I like film and I can't stop"...You'll find yourself in good company here.

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