Introduce Yourself : Creative personality funneling ideas into acting, writing and producing to make those two things happen... by Mark Elias

Mark Elias

Creative personality funneling ideas into acting, writing and producing to make those two things happen...

I'm happy to be joining a network of filmmakers. I'm not sure how everyone networks or gets together here to share ideas and/or collaborate and even share technical information but as soon as I found out about Stage 32 I signed up right away. Anyone else new and figuring things out here?

Logan Scott Matthews

it takes a min to get used to this type of site but it is extremely helpful and a lot of fun!

Mark Elias

I'm looking forward to creating new projects with new people. My next goal is a feature film here in the LA area.

Krystle Jordan

I'm new n here as well. I figured I'll just start talking to people, never know who I might meet. My name is Krystle. I am an actress and screenwriter trying to network with others who are working on the same passions and goals as me. I hope to meet people looking to create work and have fun doing it :) Hope this site works for you, and me too. I'm in Los Angeles, if you ever wanna work on a project, I'm always open to expending my resume

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