Success Stories: JUL'11 Blithering Idiocy cured through use of written pitch!!!

Blithering Idiocy cured through use of written pitch!!!

Yes, boys and girls, you, too can save yourselves from the stealthy approach of suicide through use of carefully crafted writtens. Witness! I have my third, yes third, I know, I find it hard to believe as well...but there you have it...a third request for Cortez and La Malinche: A Romantic Invention. This time it was from Pete Letz of Cousin Pete Productions. Couple the effect of that request with the delirium experienced from requests from Gotham and Benderspink...I think you get the point. But, how can we fail with the rock-solid guidance from our Joey Tuccio? If nothing comes of these "beginnings," it sure won't be because I didn't have access, will it? It will be because I didn't have adequate product. That somehow hurts less. (LOL)

Suzanne Lutas

Congratulations Hallah and best of luck!

Amanda Toney

Hallah you hit the nail right on the head! Best of luck to you and congratulations on all that's happened so far :)

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