Screenwriting : How many scripts do you have on the go at the same time? by James Gale

James Gale

How many scripts do you have on the go at the same time?

I'm usually writing 2 or 3 scripts at the same time. If I hit the wall on one script I can keep writing another. The emphasis being on "keep writing". If I only have one script open I can easily lose momentum and start to wallow in the darkness of creative confusion. I'm not talking about having a number of "ideas" that you're working on. I mean actually typing out the script. Do other writers have a similar approach? Or do you like to focus on a single script until it is complete?

Ingrid Abrams

This is a new pattern I have settled into this year: I have one out for review/coverage, contests, then while waiting, I am brainstorming concept, logline, and outlining the next one. For me, it's comfortable to do two about 2 - 3 a year. Probably two at most. My pattern is write: Jan- April, send off for coverage, reviews, etc. Then take a summer break May- Aug, (domestic or overseas, clear my head, find new muses, write down ideas), then write again Sep-Dec (rewrites on previous and new script). Beginning Jan: hit the contest routes, marketing routes with those. Begin process again. I've found this gives me a little distance from the previous one, and when I go back to do some rewrites, I can look at it with fresh eyes and perspective. I keep a small notebook with me and at times like when I am on break, I write down all ideas- even crazy ones. So in essence, I guess I am almost always writing SOMETHING nearly on a daily basis. I don't write two at the same time, though. Will let you know next year how this works out, but so far, it's working.

Travis Byford

One in first draft. One outlined and beginning of first draft (current). Two beginning outlines. Several concepts in "catch all" files so I don't lose anything. I agree, momentum is key. A writer in motion tends to stay in motion. ~t

Ingrid Abrams

Alle, somethimes I think you are pulling our legs with all this, but more power to ya gurl!

James Gale

That's absolutely fascinating Alle. But it didn't really answer the questions about how many you are "actively writing". :)

Nkosi Guduza

Very good James, creative stimulation. I'm sure we all multitask being more productive, variety is the 'spice of life' they say :) My focus is where my current idea is... always.

K.D. Stout

For me - I like to work with one script at a time, but sometime, I get excited when I have another story in mind. Working on more than one story at the same time is very rare.

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