Read a Good Book Lately? : Of the Authors who promote their work in this discussion, how often to you promote other writers? by Rock Kitaro

Rock Kitaro

Of the Authors who promote their work in this discussion, how often to you promote other writers?

I know this question can come off sounding somewhat boorish. But I feel its a valid question to ask. I recently joined another discussion board for writers on Linkedin where writers are doing the same thing. But as authors we're looking for readers, are we not? Why would you promote your work to someone who's trying to do the same thing you are, making you a competitor of sorts? It doesn't hurt to try promoting your work with chance of another writer checking you out. But if I were you, I'd take to facebook and twitter to find readers. Put yourself in the shoe of a consumer. What would they want? Why would they want to see your work? What makes your work different or stand out from the thousands of other writers trying to make it? Just a suggestion. tips hat

Evelyn Rainey

I promote one writer each week through my ScienceFiction/Fantasy Books column for BellaOnline. I also help promote authors and writers through my various groups: Writers for All Seasons, BLISS, and TINKERS. I follow the Law of Gratitude and the Law of Attraction. I praise the good and ignore the things that would drag us backward. So, Rock, how can I help you follow your bliss?

Donna S McCoy

Hi, Evelyn. I'm a science fiction writer and have a trilogy for sale with Amazon's Kindle Library. Networking and advertising is not my forte'. I would appreciate any help you can offer. Thank You.

William Martell

Though I have yet to do it here, I regularly tweet about books I read (by others) and do Tell A Friend Friday about some indie book or movie that I think deserves some attention. Currently reading a collection of short stories by Harry Connolly called BAD LITTLE GIRLS DIE HORRIBLE DEATHS. Some good recent DIY films are the musical HOW DO YOU WRITE A JOE SHERMANN SONG, thriller FAVOR, and crime film DOWN & DANGEROUS.

William Martell

I think if most of use see a good movie or read a good book (or a good script) we want to tell people about it. I think Oscar Wilde said something about enjoying the failure of friends, but I'm the opposite. I want all of my friends to become rich and famous... so that I have someone to borrow money from when my career crashes and burns!

Donna S McCoy

I stopped joining writers groups years ago. I write science fiction and the authors here write poetry or historical novels so we had nothing in common. I did sell some novels after I ran an add on facebook, and I plan to advertise with Amazon just as soon as I raise the cash. All in all, the internet is the way to go for anyone. How could I sell a novel in China any other way?

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