Introduce Yourself : Hello Everyone by Tanisha Quilter Williams

Tanisha Quilter Williams

Hello Everyone

Someone recently referred me to this website and I'm so excited. I'm a screenwriter and she said this would be a great place to gather with creative types. I have been writing for quite some time with small successes. I stopped writing for awhile when my full-time job became a bit overwhelming. I quit last year and got back to my passions! I just finished a new faith-based rom-com film about a year ago and just finished a rewrite and going to get it out there soon. It feels so good to be back at it and I'm looking forward to building great relationships and working together.

Sue Melanson

Congratulations! I can't wait to quit my day job, it's been getting overwhelming.

Tanisha Quilter Williams

Well, Sue, I still work. Just a less demanding job. Lol! I can't wait to quit all together too. Let's do it! Good luck

Ryan L. Jenkins

Congratulations! Where can we find your work?

Amanda Toney

Welcome Tanisha! So excited to have you as a new member of Stage 32. Let me know if I can do anything to make your Stage 32 experience what you hope it will be. :)

Dawn L Rogers

Good luck, Tanisha!!!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hello Tanisha. Welcome to Stage 32. Make sure to check out the "Happy Writers" section for Pitchfests, Pitch Sessions and great webinars. Glad to have you here.

Rose Van Dyke

Welcome Tanisha, totally agree with Tomasz. Much luck.

Dave McCrea

Congratulations on quitting your job!! Your writing will definitely be better now :)

Tanisha Quilter Williams

Ryan Jenkins my website

Tanisha Quilter Williams

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.

Shelly Paino

Hi Tanisha, I have also written a faith based rom-com, maybe we can trade and read?

Aj Straws

hello tanisha. God bless you. I pray you continue to pursue the vision that God is giving you.

Tanisha Quilter Williams

Shelly that would be awesome! Let's connect.

Neva J Howell

Tanisha, I think you'll find folks here to be interesting, talented and generously supportive.

Kenya Branch

Hey Tanisha. I'm a Christian screenwriter. God bless!

Tanisha Quilter Williams

Hi Kenya, that's awesome.

Dawn Gonchar

Welcome Tanisha! Your friend gave you good advice. There are many, many supportive people on this site. Be sure to check out the Happy Writers section - lots of great information for screenwriters!

Kenya Branch

Thanks Tanisha!

Tanisha Quilter Williams

Dawn I will do that. Thanks!

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