Introduce Yourself : Im Your Guy by Logan Scott Matthews

Logan Scott Matthews

Im Your Guy

My name is Logan and I am a 19 year old actor who dreams of everyday working in the film industry as a career. Since being on stage 32, I have felt apart of a community of people striving for the same dream. I am also looking into camera operation and screen writing. I can play anything, but specialize in comedy. I can't wait for our careers to launch off together!

Antonio Ingram

I dream that same dream Logan. Now lets make that a reality!! Best of luck to you man.

Amanda Toney

Thanks for introducing yourself Logan! We're glad to have you in the Stage 32 community. I recommend making the most of Stage 32, networking, and contributing to lounge discussions. It really is all about what you put in=what you get out. You never know what opportunities might come your way... Keep in touch as you reach your goals! We'd love to see you in some success stories soon! :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you here, Logan. Your energy is contagious. Got me fired up just reading your post. Wishing you the best in all your pursuits.

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