Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter and Martial Artist Here by Steve Grogan

Steve Grogan

Screenwriter and Martial Artist Here

Hello everyone, I am a screenwriter who also practices a martial art called wing chun kung fu. I have written a handful of screenplays over the years: some were feature length, some were shorts, and some were scrapped LOL. Recently I hit upon a fun idea: I am going to write a home invasion movie, a la YOU'RE NEXT or STRANGERS. Why? Because it provides the chance to write a script that has gory deaths plus up close and personal fight scenes. (Wing chun is a close-range combat system, so it will be a chance to showcase it.) My goals are to get this movie written, made and out on the film circuit. I know movies like this are quick, painless fun for the viewing audience. Ideally I'd like to earn enough money someday where I could make a feature-length drama that I wrote (my first one!) called LEADING MAN. It's a study of a downtrodden young fellow who is anything BUT a leading man.

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