Introduce Yourself : Los Angeles Composer and Loyal Stage 32-er by Dara Taylor

Dara Taylor

Los Angeles Composer and Loyal Stage 32-er

Hello Fellow Stage 32-ers, I'm Dara and I am a Los Angeles based composer for film, tv, commercials and multimedia. I've been on Stage 32 for 4 months now and absolutely love the community! I'm always open to chatting about film and music, so show me your stuff! In the meantime, feel free to check out a demo I recently did for a Buffalo Wild Wings commercial.

Michele Kaasen Rubatino

Excellent commercial, I enjoyed it! I dabble in the film arts, and do most of my work for kicks. I simply enjoy creating it. However, my serious side is as an author trying to find a more clear way of presenting my findings on the human condition. So glad you found your way to Stage32, it inspires me to be here also!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Dara - you are such a talented composer. Congratulations on all the film work you've been doing in LA! Also, congrats on your new gig! We are excited to see your career grow :)

Jennifer Rose

I love the epic nature of the music in this demo. It adds so much humor. Just plain cool.

Deana Moody

Check out my book Being Bullied and Teased Hurts. On Amazon, Barnes and Noble. Or I could send you my manuscript if interested. Awesome story .

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Makes me hungry for some wings... :) Mission accomplished.

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