Screenwriting : Finally wrote my 1st screenplay.... by Anthony Tony The Titan Purnell

Anthony Tony The Titan Purnell

Finally wrote my 1st screenplay....

Hey, this is Anthony 'Tony The Titan" Purnell. I'm just excited that I wrote my 1st short film screen write. I am hoping to turn it into a series hopefully. I had talks with someone to help me film it. I think it will turn out well. I'm just excited to put my mind in a new avenue of entertainment from music to filming. So many thoughts in my mind that I want to bring to life.

Vanessa Schell

Congratulations! :) I hope it works out for you. Keep up the positivity.

Neville Steenson

Well done Anthony that's fantastic and I wish you the very best with the project.

Kwame Asante

I hope it works out fine

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