Anything Goes : Looking for a name by Marci Urling

Marci Urling

Looking for a name

So I'm building my website to help non represented writers submit their work. What rings true to you.

Kate Kennedy

the intrepid pen -- well it has to be when you're just starting out, right?

Dave McCrea

Ingrid Abrams Ok, that's taken I see. Nevermind. Script2Screen?

Tara O. Horvath! Get it? Write away!? Lol :0)

Eoin O'Sullivan

Bill Hartin

If it isn't taken, what about

Marci Urling

Good question. It is submission service for writers to submit their scripts to film or production companies. If for example you send a query and the recipient request your script submitted through your representative, i.e agent, however one didn't have an agent, I would submit it on their behalf.

Ingrid Abrams

Marci is an entertainment attorney, so yes, I think she does have some knowledge of the necessary laws, not to mention contacts. So what if she wants to become an agent if that is her plan? Lots of entertainment attorneys have done so.

Anton West

"And yet, I sense you have little knowledge of contracts and law. " What makes you think this Alle, given that according to Marci's profile she's an attorney! And you presumably are not. As for Marci's original question, I like Script2Screen.

Eoin O'Sullivan

I believe Script2Screen is already taken . . . but it is a good one.

John Allen

MovieLegal, HollywoodLaw, CinemaLegal

Dave McCrea, and are available....

Marci Urling

Thank you for such great ideas about my site! I appreciated the support and encouragement. Any of you writers in Los Angeles check out this event. Hope to see you there.

Marci Urling

Alle, thanks for your input.

Philip Sedgwick

WritersRep, WritersBullpen, TheWritersRoom

Sreejith Vtn

sceneone, perhaps?

Lydia Torres

Writers Den

Will Bashor

Writer's Crew

Marci Urling

I like Lydia.. I like something that is warm and supportive:)

Demiurgic Endeavors

Qwerty Cove

Royce Allen Dudley

TheWritePlace WriteTime WriteOn WriteEOh Writeous WriteRight and if it's for liberal writers, LeftWrite ;)

Ami Brown

WriteMe WriteAway WriteBeyond The Write Way Writer's Path The Write Link

Lydia Torres

The Writers Depot

Denis LaBrie


Marci Urling

Thanks for all your imput..

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