Anything Goes : CA State Film Incentive Needs your Help by Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor

CA State Film Incentive Needs your Help

Remember those conversations in which we talked about how meaningful it would be to finally step up and do something about stimulating production in California? Remember when, perhaps a year or even two or three years ago, we talked about the pipe dream that we wanted to achieve of changing the State Incentive to include additional money for out of zone production so that all of our film offices and all of California would see an increase in production? There was a time when that really did seem unlikely—almost impossible. But now, through the work of our members and our partners in the industry, we are on the verge of accomplishing that goal. This is it! Now is the time for all of us to make our final push and rally in our efforts to pass this bill! The upcoming Mobilization Day for AB 1839 will be held on August 20th, 11:30 am-2:00 pm at the Capitol on the North Lawn. This will be our last opportunity to show mass support for our industry to lawmakers and the Governor. We are asking you to do a few things: 1. Go to Filmworksca at the following link and register: Your registration will help our organizers assign appropriate duties. Send the link out to everyone you can and encourage them to do the same. 2. Go to Sacramento and PARTICIPATE. 3. We are also putting together a master list of media contacts to push this story out. We need your local media contacts so that our PR people can reach out and give this story legs. You will find a template attached. Please add your local media contacts to the spreadsheet in the same format and email it back to me. I will forward all to our organizer and they will be merged. Optional but would be great: Below you will find some sample tweets/posts which you can disseminate through social media. It’s quick and painless, so go have fun with it! It would be great if we could do a combo of original tweets as well as retweets (I’ve provided links to the tweets to be retweeted below) throughout the next day or two, in this order: 1. Retweet (@Variety_DMcNary $700 mil in California production tax credits = $5.49 bil in economic activity per Calif Film Commission) 2. Tweet For every $100m invested in film tax credits $770m is generated in spending & 8,700 jobs are created. See the report: 3. Retweet (@Deadline California Lost Over $1B To Runaway Production Last Year, Film Commission Says) 4. Tweet Productions are leaving #CA & they’re taking their money with them…nearly $2 billion, to be exact. See the numbers: 5. Retweet (@TheWrap The $420 Million Question: How Much Will California Set Aside for TV, Film Tax Credits?) Thank you everyone for all that you have done and all that you will do on behalf of our industry.

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