Wow what a crazy last 7 days it has been. I need to share this with my good buddies on Stage32. I applied for a copy writer job at an advertising agency after they posted a vacancy. So off went my CV and low and behold I got a phone call shortly after saying how impressed they where with my body of work........ Awesome, I thought and we set up an interview. So off to the big smoke of Belfast I went and the interview went really well, so well that they wanted me back up the next day to check out the office and workload etc. So yeah this was great as during the interview they informed me of their client list which was impressive and a mix of large charities and media companies. So the next day I got up early and pulled on my fresh pressed suit and made the jaunt to Belfast (A 4 hour round trip) and was met at the office by that days mentor. And the next thing I know I am standing in some dodgy housing development in a less savory side of Belfast learning how to knock doors and ask people for money for charity!!!!!! After the 37th rain storm of the day I asked myself how the f**k did I end up here, I know copy writers get treated like crap but seriously using them for begging is a bit much. Needless to say I was back on the train before my canvasing mentor could knock door number 700059! I mean what kind of people are out there, this was not what I applied for. So there you go folks what a week eh.
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What if your protagonist was just about to give up knocking on doors when he saw a man begin to assault a woman inside. Your inciting incident is a dilemma. what if the company was actually recruiting for a spy agency (thriller) or the assault was a fake for a game show (comedy).
Nice premise Gordon but I wasn't hanging about to see the mystery unravel as I was kind off fretting about my own safety!!! lol
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that's one weird story. i cant understand why anyone would advertise a job as one thing and then offer something else entirely. very weird. makes you wonder how some people mentally function.
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Well said Cherie. It was very very strange and damn well misleading and I like all writers do not take kindly to be taken advantage off or having my time wasted. Yeah I have been asked to write on spec but this was a new one for me.
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Neville, anywhere you can report this? What you describe is illegal where I'm from, and may well be so in Ireland too.
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Hi Rachael. Yep I reported it to the site that ran the ad and they removed it. It really pi***s me off how some companies would rather exploit and feed false claims then to actually embrace talent. I don't want to sound fickle but many creative types trying to make the break find themselves in suspect situations just to get a foot on the ladder. This is no way to nuture talent and besides I have been doing this long enough and will not belittle myself to feed others greed.... And I hope if others find themselves in such a situation they have the good sense and self respect to do as I did and get the next train outta there.
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Watch out for Herbal life too.... Oh and if anyone asks for a ride, or money for a job... move right along. What was it Craig's list?
Simon thats the thing it was one of the biggest job sites here in the UK so thats why I am so pi**ed about it. Yeah its shocking but I and a number of people I know have been asked to pay to work. I mean wtf, are we writers really that hard up for work!
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Hi Neville, Popping back in here, things are crazy all over. Not just on your side of the world. Nothing is real, or as it seems. I go through what you go through but on a fast track form. I am sure I may cost myself a job or two, but also save myself a drive and waste of time and unwanted aggravation. If I do not get a pay range, or type, with description of duties, with a confirmation that I am meeting with a decision maker (in so many words tactfully of course) I do not proceed. It is just like here, where many jobs are free and one would expect a bit more professionalism since we are all working for our names. If someone does not answer all my questions I move on. Who want to work with someone who does not answer a question or ignores it?
Well said Simon its such a bloody waste of time and effort. The thing about the "job" I was offered I did a full background check and the usual stuff you do when starting a working relationship. Hell this company had it down fine and some big clients. They answered all my questions etc but omitted the fact that the "clients" I would be meeting with were, well donators!!!! I agree with you as there have been jobs I have lost due to my allergic reaction to being made an idiot off. Like you said we are building our name and this never has to mean being played for a fool. This is practice that will continue but even if we steer one person away from such a pitfall then at least our experience was not totally in vein. @Oriel, punked indeed and I am pushing for an investigation. Ban this sick practice now!
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Neville, I think you have Yelp review or likes out there too? IF so, use the company name like ACME INC Complaint Then write out what a waste of time it was to interview with the company. When I get a (do not know what to call it) So called job offer? I type the name of the company and the word complaint to see what pops up. Like I do a phone number to see what hustle spam dialer is molesting me atm....LOL! <EDIT RANTY...