Screenwriting : Guardians of the Galaxy by Karen Franklin

Karen Franklin

Guardians of the Galaxy

Have you seen this movie yet? Here is an example of a terrible trailer (IMO) but a really great film. And what makes it really great is the irreverent, surprising and comedic banter between a handful of very likable characters. There's a lot of Star Wars moments that feel very familiar but not heavy handed. And the gun toting racoon (which turned me off in the trailers) isn't that bad, not my favorite character but he's got some good lines too. I recommend seeing this film as a good example of sci fi pushing the boundaries of the unexpected.

Rob Mc

I had my doubts - as I think everyone else did. The first picture of this duo is of a racoon, a tree, a human and a green woman and it's supposed to be taken seriously? but I guess that's part of the point - hero movies have been so serious in recent years that Guardians is a remarkable step back from all that into a more fun, less gritty territory. And we may have all been so caught up in the serious brand that the first viewings of this were a bit of a culture shock. That's my theory anyway.

Karen Franklin

I agree w/you, Rob. I think it was a gutsy move motivated by a pretty great script. I suspect that a lot of people were turned off by the trailer and if it wasn't for the fact that some good friends of mine went to see it and raved about it, I know I never would have gone and this blog post never would have been written.

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