Anything Goes : No feedback? by Tania Luna

Tania Luna

No feedback?

Has anyone paid for a pitch session and never received any feedback? It's happened to me three times already….

Rob Mc

Since no-one else has answered - I haven't pitched any of my stuff yet, though I hope to one day. I hear great thing about the Happy Writers PItches from this site - I'm not sure if that's where your problem are coming from but just teach those who didn't give you feedback a lesson and just don't give them your money anymore. Or better yet, get back to them about it untill they refund you. That said, this is coming from a guy without experience of how pitching works. I hope this is helpful anyway.

James Chalker

I did a paid pitch with Greenlightmyfilm and the production company never got back to me, so Greenlight gave me another pitch for free. I think not responding is not uncommon in this industry.

D Marcus

If you pay for a service then not responding is not acceptable.

James Chalker

I agree and the folks at greenlight do too, since they gave me another pitch. Still it does happen. Raises the whole question of whether we should really be paying to pitch stuff, but it's hard to know exactly what to do in this biz.

James Chalker

I meant feedback as in a response pass/consider/recommend, with whatever other comments the person felt like making. I assumed that's what OP meant too.

Tania Luna

Alle, not sure who pissed in your corn flakes, my question was pertaining to the sessions here that we pay for to get a response. Having close family in the industry, and having grown up surrounded by people in the industry, I'm fully aware that I cannot walk up to someone of George Lucas's caliber, lob a pitch at him, and expect him to sit down and give me feed back. I'm speaking about the pitch sessions here, as James had correctly assumed. Where we get an email that says "Jane/John Doe from Production Co. X is looking for stories that are……. click here to sign up" Then we pay the $45.00 to pitch to someone. Then, in 1-3 days there is either a REQUESTED! (which I have received), or a REPORT, small write up, then a pass. (which I have also received). I don't know if the pitch gets lost in transition between Stage32 and the person I am pitching to, or that person forgets to respond. But so far, it has happened three times, making me leery to pay any more money to pitch.

Rey Otis

Hey Tania, have you emailed and asked for a response? I would. I had a rather long lag and I asked requested from that one, the producer had not gotten back to 32 so all responses were delayed. It is probably worth a shout out and a request for feedback.

Tania Luna

I did, and yesterday I did get the report back. Still waiting on two more though. With that being said, is it better to do the Skype pitch then the written? I've only done the written ones.

Rey Otis

I've only done Skype pitches but it seems that the issue happens either way. The follow through is kind of critical, yes? We have to know what does not work or we can't really progress. Rooting for you!

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