Has Hollywood ever "got it wrong" in your opinion? Well, they did for me when they talked about casting Ashton Kutcher or Matthew McConaughey for the "Magnum, P.I." movie. Now, both these actors are awesome in their own rights, but neither could fill Tom Selleck's shoes in my humble opinion. So, I wrote my own script, learning how to do it from a book I bought, just to survive the shock! I know, dumb, huh, but it's how I felt. Well, I had so much fun writing and learning my own "Magnum", that I wrote a screenplay from my own imagination, had a friend dare me to enter it in a contest, and it WON! So, I entered it in another contest, and it WON the Thriller Category. Now, I'm addicted to the creative process! And Stage 32 seems to be a great place to learn how to turn that passion into a career!