Introduce Yourself : This is me by Gary Davis

Gary Davis

This is me

Originally from Birmingham, England, now living in Texas. I am a writer who has typed many words, but they haven't been seen by too many. I have completed 6 full scripts for my own enjoyment and to improve my craft. I feel now I'm ready to push on and get my work into the light. I am working with a friend to get a short script filmed this fall to make my words come to life. I don't write and specific drama and just write what comes to mind. I know this could hold me back in the future and might have to focus in on one area. I enjoy telling stories and want to find a way to share them. I came across this site not too long ago and I think it's awesome. A great way to meet others and receive advice from people in the industry. I aim to make some friends as well as connection along the way.

Lee Dunnavant (Lebo)

Interesting path from Birmingham to Texass I bet .... I too like telling stories no matter what genre form. Good luck w/your writing & filming of your short ... Here's to the light...

Gary Davis

Thank you Lee and all the best with your fantasy novel.

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