Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32'rs! Let's keep it moving forward! by Curtis Kessinger

Curtis Kessinger

Hello Stage 32'rs! Let's keep it moving forward!

Hey Everybody, I'm Curtis Kessinger and so glad to connect with you all! I'm a writer/director and produce my own small films! I'm also getting ready to shoot my stand-up comedy film later this year, once I get one more feature script done. I am co-writer on a film getting real close to production ( I've written the motivating filmmaking book "Just Shoot It!" giving you everything you need to shoot your own films. We must make our own success. No one needs to help us. It's all on us! So enjoy your weekend and keep moving forward. Write your own material and shoot your own films. Feel free to ask me for help for I am always ready to give back. You never know when I might ask you for a favor as well. Let's do it! Thanks for your time!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Curtis - I love your positive spirit - give first, receive 2nd. You will continue to prosper. Do you do stand up yourself? Our Sr. Web Developer just did standup at the Comedy Store for the first time: (Tomasz Mieczkowski). Congrats on your book, and congrats on your films, too. Great to have your talents here and I sincerely appreciate your selfless attitude.

Rey Marz

Hey Curtis, it's great to hear some positive, motivating words! I checked out the website that you shared here, ...looks like a great project, love the historical backdrop and that it's based on a true story. Can't wait to see it sometime, wish you all the best!

Curtis Kessinger

Hi Julie/Rey, I did stand-up for approx 10 years then stopped to turn to writing scripts...but I never stopped writing stand-up. Ten years later I have hours of material that I have decided to film...and toss out there into the ether. I try to help anyone with anything they need, because I am a fan of all things comedy, film, music, etc. Some people don't want to help, they only want to compete. I look forward to making films my films and giving everyone else a boost to make theirs. How did Tomasz stand-up go? I can still remember my knees knocking my first time on stage in front of the comic-eating crowd.

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