Hey all... My name is Lily Angeline and I am 9 years old. I just competed with the 48 Hour film festival in Portland OR and had the best time with the cast and crew! I could not have asked for any better... We even won the People's Choice Award. I am also doing a new web pilot I am a bit nervous about and a short next week. I am looking to expand my knowledge and always get pointers and leads from others in the industry. I also love to hear about others success!!!
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Way to go, Lily. Is your film posted online? I'd love to see it.
Unfortunately it can not be posted yet publicly, but as soon as it can I will share. It is priceless!!!!
Cool Lily, you must be quite the mature nine year old. Keep learning and growing Lily and I wish you all the best.
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Good for you! I have been in 5 48 hours and 1 48 hour mvp. I just scored a film 'Gift Of Grace" which made finalist at the 168 film festival 2nd wk in Sept. in LA. It was in the "kidvid" category and all the actors were kids. I had a great time writing the music. If you want some pointers, I can put your mother in touch with the mothers of the actors here in Houston. Here is the score (like your film, this film can not be watched until it debuts at the festival next month): http://www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=197418
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Thank you both. .. my mom always loves pointers! Also I have been raised to fit in where ever I am ... from younger to older generations. Also I have been raised as a daughter of a NRA instructor and realize the importance of following directions and listening in any situation. I also enjoy fund raising for children's charities and know I am very fortunate.