This isthe best website for connecting creatives around the world. I feel honored to be part of it. If you happen to be in Vancouver, please give me a call or e-mail me. I'd love to meet you. My goal is to bring Characters to Life and Life to Characters. I am so honored to be a part of this community of artists. Like us on FaceBook. Follow us on Twitter. Check out my website and feel free to make any comments. Salvatore Vetro Cell: 604-710-2100 E-mail: Skype: sal37999 Website: IMDB: Bringing Characters to Life and Life to Characters "PERSEVERANCE IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN LIFE"
Welcome to Stage32 Salvatore. I'm in Toronto. I write screenplays.
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Thanks Sylvia. Nice to meet you and maybe if I come to Toronto, where I am originally from, we can hook up. What is your writing genre?
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It's great to have you as a part of the community, Salvatore! Best of luck to you in all you pursue :)
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I likethe motto... bring characters to life and bring life to characters.
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Salvatore, I write crime/thrillers. I pitched with Happy Writers here on Stage 32 and received FIVE script requests. My fingers are crossed. How about you? Any acting jobs in Vancouver these days. Is Stuart Akin still casting?
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Oh and yes, please let me know if you're in town. I'd be happy to get together for cold drinks. :)
Morning Sylvia. There's plenty of acting jobs, but quite a few actors who are much more experienced that I who are competing for the same work. I'm still searching for an agent. Yes. Stuart Aitkins is still at it.
Sylvia, best of luck with your scripts. Hopefully get to read some of them one day.
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Shannon. Thanks for your welcoming message and the very best to you in all your endeavors.
Hi Kem. Thanks for the compliment.