Introduce Yourself : Kathryn Kyker by Kathryn Kyker

Kathryn Kyker

Kathryn Kyker

Hi guys! I'm a screenwriter with two produced shorts, looking for that feature to be made. I just finished my 8th feature script, an adaptation of a Chinese myth, meant for animation. Other scripts include dramas, a comedy, coming-of-age, and sci-fi. Now revamping a pilot about an anti- social, social worker, which draws from my personal and professional experiences. Each script has progressed in competitions, some making it to finals, but no big wins. My highest aspiration? Bringing one of my stories to life on the big screen. Failing that, being a writer on Ron Moore's staff (Battlestar G. and Outlander). Glad to be here and being part of the community.

Judyth Mermelstein

Hello, Kathryn. It seems we share an interest in Chinese myths. Which one is your script about? Mine is still in the preliminary stages, based on The Chuang Brocade.

Kathryn Kyker

Hi! Mine is a Kuan Yin myth about building the first bridge over the Min River. What period is yours set in?

Judyth Mermelstein

That's part of my problem. The story as published is essentially a fairy tale from a fairly early period but late enough for pictorial brocades. I've never scripted for animation before; my drawing skills aren't up to much or I'd probably just illustrate my own version of the story. It's just something I came across while researching a book I'm writing, but that's set in 256-206 BCE which I'm pretty sure is too early for Chuang brocades.

Judyth Mermelstein

How are you getting on with yours? You've obviously got a lot more experience with scripts than I do: The only scripts I ever wrote on my own were an industrial film and a couple of TV spots back in the 1970s.

Ted Jackson

who knows I might have some ideas for you

Amanda Toney

Welcome Kathryn! :)

Sandy Falls

we need screen writers for a sci fi television series. email this guy if interested

Kathryn Kyker

Thanks Sandy and everyone! This site has a lot of activity, I had no idea obviously, or I'd been on it sooner. I'm getting lots of network requests but what's the best way for me to search and initiate my own requests? Thx!

Amanda Toney

go to CONNECT on the menu bar :)

Dawn Gonchar

Hi Kathryn, Welcome! I highly suggest you watch the tutorial videos - there's so much to this site! Under Connect, you can search for others by name, profession, etc. As a screenwriter, you'll definitely want to check out the Happy Writers (top right of your menu bar). They offer coverage services, virtual pitching, and even pre-pitch coaching. Also be sure to check the job postings...lots of opportunities! This is such an awesome resource with very dedicated people constantly improving it. You'll be glad you've joined!

Kathryn Kyker

Will do, thanks!

Pitanjal Datta

Hiiiii ma'am...!

Darryl John Hannan

Hello Kathryn, if you're ever in need of a composer for your amazing sounding screenplays, I'd love to be considered. My portfolio can be found at:

Kathryn Kyker

Thx djh, it feels like I'm a long way from that today, but you never know.

Peter Jonas

Hi Kathryn I'm new to stage 32 but our team of 54 talented stars helped create an inspired and touching drama with real consequence, called CRUDE , a short Eco - thriller. So if you or others reading this have like us a penchant for doing a partnership across the pond it would be great to chat further. Kind regards Peter See : .... Or our short shown recently at the BAFTA theatre in London

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