Success Stories: AUG'20 Three for three.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Three for three.

Special thanks to Joey Tuccio and happy writers, Got a third request from a Skype pitch, so now I have "Night Terror" in the hands of five productions companies, two that I have done on my own as I have one friend who is a distributer, but without Joey and the Happy writers I would stand in the lifeless writers purgatory. And also thanks to Sarah Smith who was so nice and made me feel like I was important as I hope I am. Lets get some movies made people, it is truly in your hands, so go get'em.

Jan Evans

NICE! I'm very happy for you. :)

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Thanks for taking the time to say that. Best to you too.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Thanks. Very kind. Same to you.

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