Introduce Yourself : Re-introductions. by Jeffrey Patton


Good morning/afternoon/evening...depending on where you are reading this, I suppose. I actually joined this site in 2012 but never really used it. So, I thought I'd actually give it a go and re-introduce myself. I'm an actor in Los Angeles...I know, it's a rarity :) I moved here from Denver...lived in New York for awhile (studied with the Maggie Flannigan studio for a bit...awesome, by the way) and have been in L.A. now three years where I've become a bit obsessed with Crossfit. -My day job is with a company that assists in getting people with barriers into sustainable employment (my Master's is in, still in the social services realm). Would love to get involved in some sort of meet-ups & networking events...Best wishes to all. Here is my site information:

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

So glad that you introduced yourself Jeffrey! I'm going to move this over to the "Introduce yourself" lounge so you get more eyeballs on it :) Also, there's about 4 or 5 meetups going on in LA this month alone - make sure to check out the Stage 32 meetups section

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