Screenwriting : Rex'd... from screenplay to book now to film. Barnes and Noble picks it up after Amazon sells out first printing. by J/R Reher

J/R Reher

Rex'd... from screenplay to book now to film. Barnes and Noble picks it up after Amazon sells out first printing.

Thought you all would dig this. REX'D is based on a screenplay I wrote that's currently out to directors. It got picked up to be a book and was published on August 18th. It's doing gangbusters. A throwback to the 80s, The Breakfast Club meets The Monster Squad. The film is being produced by Chris White who;s a producer of this October's VHS: Viral and the upcoming CORROSION which starts filming soon.

Marla Dean

New novel just soft launched on Kindle, smashwords, Ibooks, Kobo and Nook, comes out in paperback end of this month, quite a rush..Look for it SIMPLE MACHINES

Jeffrey Stackhouse

Marla Dean, are you related to J/R ..? If not, why would you try to derail his thread? Ya might wanna come on and just pretend to be interested in his project, for a minute. Yowza. My apology if this is some finely-tuned bit of dual marketing between the two of you, but otherwise ... SMDH and, uh, wow. -- Hey, J/R. Very cool. Wild that it goes through that circuitous a path. Must be a rush to have it landing back where you had planned it, and you get all the other iterations, as well. Nice f'ing job, truly. You go.

Samantha Mann

Congrats J/R! :)

Steve O'Brien


J/R Reher

Thank you so much!

J/R Reher

This is a screenwriting thread I thought. And as an industry professional, I thought you guys would appreciate it. I guess some of you not. Ah, the trailer to the FILM I wrote entitled GRIZZLY STARRING BILLY BOB THORNTON, JAMES MARSDEN AND THOMAS JANE is now online if Mario and Alley want to see my creds. Thanx.

J/R Reher

Oh and here's an interview that just went up yesterday about the screenplay to book to film process about Rex'd. It's out to a shortlist of directors now. But maybe the naysayers here are just aspirers and not really WANTING to know how the industry works. I'm done posting here on this site.

Steve O'Brien

Looks good J/R best of luck...

Jeffrey Stackhouse

J/R, what's gone on? I think everyone but Marla was respectful, most of us were congratulatory, and even Alle only posted a question that could easily be construed as wanting info for her "process." Are there PMs we're unaware of? Anyway, sorry it's struck you so negatively. I'd, personally, be pleased with the great bulk of these comments. And, congratulations, again. It's a very cool thing, the whole warp and woof of how this played out, for you. I'd actually be interested in hearing that story.

Jeffrey Stackhouse

That said, again, really amateur and disrespectful move, Marla. Really. You've been on the boards since you were criticized, here, and have done nothing to alter or remove your message. Piss poor. It'll certainly go a long way as a warning for anyone who would think to go into collaboration with you, as it absolutely speaks to character.

Steve O'Brien

YEAH What Jeffry said....

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