Filmmaking / Directing : Why?! by Dale Devoe Inscore

Dale Devoe Inscore


Why must it be so difficult to get a movie made in these modern times? I can't help but wonder that as a struggling writer. Seems to me it was so much easier yrs ago.

D Marcus

Seems to me it's much, much easier today than years ago. Digital is so much cheaper than film, there is crowdfunding that didn't exist years ago. There are dozens more film schools that didn't exist years ago meaning there are hundreds more people looking for projects. So many more people are making movies than years ago so that seems to mean more opportunities. Some see the glass half empty.

Dale Devoe Inscore

I'd love to see the glass as all full. I live in Wilmington NC and I'm trying to stay local for to utilize the talent here. But it's just not that easy still to get things done here. I'm not going to stop though.

Dale Devoe Inscore

D Marcus, I miss spoke. You're right making a movie is easier in curtain parts of the world. It's just still pretty difficult in other areas, like mine lol.

D Marcus

Making a movie has never been easy. In many ways making a movie in Los Angeles or New York is more difficult than making one in Wilmington because EVERYONE is making a movie in Los Angeles or New York. In Wilmington you are more unique. Technically making a movie has never been easier. Getting people involved has always been difficult and always will be unless it is a paying job. You can look at how difficult it is or rise to the challenge all beginning filmmaker face. It is no more or less easy where you are than anywhere else.

Dale Devoe Inscore

Do u know if there's a way to put a synopsis or even a full length script on S32?

Adam Strange

Making a BAD movie has never been easier. Making a GOOD movie is as difficult as it ever was. Making a SUCCESSFUL movie is more difficult than ever since people have so many more low cost/high value outlets for their time and attention.

Dale Devoe Inscore

Adam I tend to agree with you. Way too many copy cat movies out there. Hardly any original thoughts.

Richard "RB" Botto

Dale, you can upload your scripts right from your profile page. Check out our HELP section for all the details.

Dale Devoe Inscore

Ok Richard thank you.

Richard "RB" Botto

Very welcome, Dave.

Dillon Mcpheresome

Dale it is difficult to make a movie anywhere. However you are in a beautiful part of the world in NC. Write a story that doesn't cost a lot to make and film it on your computer if you have to. Check out the new ways of funding like DM suggested. Find people in your area with similar interests and go for it. Once you commit to this process it will be a dream come true. And your next one will be easier.

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