Introduce Yourself : Hello from a Welsh TVC and film director by Alun D Pughe

Hello from a Welsh TVC and film director

Hello everybody! I signed up for this site back in 2011 and have just rediscovered my password so I've been reading posts and checking out what everybody's been up to. Got to say I'm really impressed! So the usual chaff about me for those that don't know: I, like 99% of people on this site, am a muliti award winning film maker (high five everybody!) and am lucky enough to work with international clients like Ducati motorcycles and Oakley sunglasses. I'm based in the UK and specialise in lower budget TV commercials and web promos. I'm genuinely interested in meeting Producers, agents, writers, special effects guys, other directors and everybody in between so i can hear your stories and share inspiration!

Alun D Pughe

Oh and actors of course. I ruddy well love actors :)

Alun D Pughe

Wow I'm bad at this!

Seems like every half decade or so I go looking for folk to chat to and so here I am again, back after what is apparently five or so years :)

Lots has changed since my last adventure on Stage 32 as I've been freelancing for coming up to three years (before that I worked in-house within an agency) and have been lucky enough to have travelled all over Europe working on big ad campaigns, been commissioned to make really exciting brand films and documentaries and have spent the years having a pretty much lovely time.

If there's anything I can do to help you cats out there that would like to do what I do please let me know and I'll try and answer questions and guide you the best I can :)


James Welday

Hi Alun, pleased to meet you, and happy to network!

Alun D Pughe

Nice to meet you too James! What are you working on at the moment man? Anything fun?

James Welday

Thanks! I'm currently working on a feature animated fantasy spec script that's been taking longer than necessary to get right (it's currently on draft #3).

Alun D Pughe

Oh god that sounds like a challenge! Is it for anybody in particular or is it a passion project?

Gavin Midani

Hey Alun welcome back! I can totally relate to forgotten passwords

James Welday

It's a passion project more than anything, one I've been wanting to tell for a number of years now. That's the issue, is that it needs to be right for me.

Alun D Pughe

@Gavin Xavier Midani - Thanks buddy!

Alun D Pughe

James Welday Sounds fantastic - good luck!

Elisabeth Meier

Hi Alun, then you and I have something in common. I just logged in and posted something here the first time after 6 years or so. :)

James Welday

Alun D Pughe thank you!!

Alun D Pughe

Danke Elisabeth Meier! I've just checked out your profile but can't see any of your filmed work - can you link me up as I'd love to see some examples!

Ugo Cavallo

Welcome back Alun, high five by a screenwriter open to collabs :)

Tabitha Baumander


Alun D Pughe

Ugo Cavallo High five right back atcha!

Alun D Pughe

Aray Brown Thanks buddy, lovely to meet you too! I'll definitely drop Jason a line, thanks for the suggestion :)

Alun D Pughe

@Tabitha Baumander Hi!

Elisabeth Meier

@Tabita Baumander - Just checked your profile at amazon. Thanks for kindle & co. This is what I just began - rewriting my scripts to books. I hope it works. Well done!

Kinney Scott

thats fantastic welcome back (:

Alun D Pughe

Thanks Kinney!

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