Introduce Yourself : Kia Ora from the land down under by Buck Cerridwyn

Buck Cerridwyn

Kia Ora from the land down under

Hello everyone, I just joined up here and wow, looks like a wonderful place to be. I am the creator and producer of a start up TV series being created in Melbourne Australia in the sci-fi/drama genre following the heels of Ron Moore's Battlestar, Stargates SG1 and Atlantis and Star Trek Deep Space Nine. If you combine the best things from all those series and place it in our own time frame then you have our series Sagittarians. This is a series that has never before been done in the world with a mini-series opening and very strong characters. We have written purposely for a bluray audience with episodes that are then edited for television which meant we had to write in a whole new style but it is a style that I am happy to say is definitely working on screen with more realistic characters portrayed by very talented actors and episode arcs that will continually surprise the audience. We hope that some of you will take interest in what we are doing and we invite you on board if you would like to help in anyway. What we are filming is the first fifth of the mini series which will run for about 90 minutes to give people a feel for what we are wanting to achieve. It is our hope that we will find interested producers, executives etc to take the series to the next level of production so from time to time we will post teasers, webisodes, trailers etc. Please message me anytime if you become interested :). Cheers

Robert Broad

G'day Buck my Eastern brother. Good luck with the show.

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