Acting : Demo reel help by Nathan T. Esser

Nathan T. Esser

Demo reel help

I'm trying to make a demo reel. All I have is windows Movie Maker. Can someone help out please?

Lisette Nicole Muñoz Goicochea

I agree with Alle. It takes time, but you can do it. A few months ago I had a project (we had to do a trailer) and we used Movie Maker. It was awesome, you should definitely try it!

Ami Brown

Do you have the short clips already? Or are you having to take the whole film and take your clips out first? If so you can CUT the film up into segments and delete the segments you don't need until you have just the ones you want. Then you can string all your clips together with fades and transitions. I like the "Cinematic" auto formatted one - it would be nice for a reel.

Nathan T. Esser

Thanks everyone. Ami, I don't have all the footages yet, but I wanted to have a head start on it so that I would have less of a hassle to do when I get the other footage.

Alexandre Ross

Hey Nathan, should you find things too time consuming and difficult (just to throw my hat into the ring) I'm a freelance editor and have been editing showreels for the past 4-5 years. You can check my work out here : Although I'd tend to agree with the above comments that it's best to get all your footage together first before you consider editing anything. I also can probably save you a lot of time/research as there is a detailed showreel FAQ on my site so even if you decide to edit the reel yourself you could use my FAQ page as a guide to what directors/casting directors look for in showreels as it covers a lot of ground. Either way should you get it editing professionally or attempt to edit it yourself I wish you the best of luck!

Nathan T. Esser

These are all helpful but my problem was that I have some opportunities wanted me to have a demo reel but I didn't have enough recent footage.

Natalie Peri

Nathan I know an awesome editor he's doing my reel and editing my short film . I don't know how much his fee is . Because he's a really good friend of mine

Andrei Iordache

Hi there. I can help you with your reel. I will create using Sony Vegas. PM me if you're interested.

Tiffy Diamond

From a person that watches reels every week. You might want to have someone edit it for you if you're having problems. I'm sure a film student can help you out if it's basic editing. Just make sure that you're in the scenes you include on there. Sounds funny but you'd be surprised how many reels I get where the person is an extra in the wayyyyy background of a scene. hahah Good luck!

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

Nathan...Just go to this Award Winning site and get updated...with the Pioneer work...then contact me and I will answer all your questions...blesssings ...look forward to helping you...

Tatom Pender

Listen to Tiffy. Don't spend a ton of money... at least not until you have a good handful of incredible credits. There's tons of budding editors out there to help!

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