Societies and People are ever changing. Times are getting faster, Information more readily available, with the advent of social networking sites relationships more virtual, descriptive, even voyeristic? TV show structure has changed by more and more comercial breaks, creating the need for ever shorter story arches, and ever stronger/more extreme characters and situations. It would greatly interest me to know how all this is influencing screenplay structure. Here too I see shorter story arches, more extreme characters, situations, more flashy scenes, and less deap going scenes. Less inner changes, more outer changes of the protagonists. Even in big Films, you can sometimes see scenes that were obviously put there for some sort of story need, and are not really believable for the characters, or imediate story line etc., something I would not have got away with my scriptwriting teacher at all, but that was some time ago. There is more episodic storytelling, often glued together by sex, violence, outbursts of emotion, all quickly passing. What is your experience, and what other changes do you see? Greetings, Andrea