Thought I would say hello, and introduce myself. I'm from Vancouver, BC - I'm a filmmaker and composer... since elementary school, I wanted to create films, but my parent's refused to pay for filmschool tuition. Now that I'm older, and wiser, it's catch-up time. In the last year or two, I've been making short documentaries (example: I just finished my first short drama script and now, I'm working on getting this thing filmed - this is going to be one scary and wonderful ride, I look forward to it, and I look forward to seeing whether Stage32 will help me. Hello zero budget! Okay, well, with that out of the way, I'm also a composer. I focus primarily on ambient piano but my niche is Scottish bagpipes. It's an odd talent but, hey, I might as well capitalize on it. I look forward to adding a bunch of you to my network but if you happen to stumble on this, let's connect!
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Beautiful clip, Shayne! As an avid amateur sailor myself I particularly loved the topic of your documentary.
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Welcome, Shayne, I enjoyed your clip -- thanks for sharing!