Hello i am a former rapper who retired on top of the underground in Houston while i was getting paid and Main eventing shows. While recording my 4+ videos i fell in love with the concepts, direction and acting parts of it. I also directed, acted in n put together concepts for others videos. Im very multi talented, i have stories to tell and have a natural talent for acting. I took the last few months off to better and find myself and now im ready to do something. If anybody can help with starting up or even just needs a strong guy around sets i can at least learn a little from while helping out with anything hit me up. I have no commitments atm so im available to help. Oh and dont label me as just a rapper, i could have hit the top if i stuck with it but i retired from that to better myself and chase bigger goals in life. Sorry about the long rant i just got up and thank you for reading this.
I guess i have to update pics on a computer since i cant do it on my phone but for now i made a new instagram under Gods_Son_Throw'd if u want to see new pics, thank you