Oh, yes, sir-e Bob. It does. You want to walk into the audition room dressed the part. Trust me; “they” already have a lot to think about when making their commercial. I promise you, if you don’t walk in with the look they want, someone else will. Am I saying you won’t get the job if you’re not dressed right? Not at all. I’m saying that you want to do everything you can to increase your chances of getting the job. Looking the part is one of the few things that is in your control. BEST NOTE I can give you re: this, always log onto Casting Network and SEE if there is story board. If so, dress as closely to the picture as possible. If not, keep in mind the "class of the spot" (dressing for a Wallmart audition should differ from a Mercedes audition), stay away from logos and I personally try to stay away from blue as most casting walls in Los Angeles are painted blue. For more great tips, look into attending one of our upcoming weekend intensives. www.DIYactingStudios.com
Yes. Period.
This is an awesome topic - it absolutely 100% matters.